A 12-part video docu-series that examines the strategies and methods of LGBT activism.Information from books, news articles, websites, academic journals and video clips on LGBT matters will be presented.This series is designed for viewers to think deeper and consider the impact of LGBT activism on Singapore society.**This series is NOT a critique of LGBT persons but a review of the nature of LGBT activism.

The Gay Agenda by Ever Thought Of That

COME together to watch the videos.
CONTEMPLATE the issues.
CHAT and share your thoughts.



LGBT Activism in Singapore: What Is Your Position

LGBT Activism in Singapore

We review LGBT activism in Singapore for the first half of 2021, and invite you to consider its impact on society.Trailer (1min) | Abridged (7min)
Full Length (17min) | Introduction Transcript
Download Intro Conversation Guide

A Guiding Manifesto For LGBT Activism

EPISODE 1: A Guiding Manifesto For LGBT Activism

What is “The Gay Agenda”? What if we told you that there is actually a written manifesto that outlines the agenda and strategies of LGBT activism?Trailer (1min) | Abridged (8min)
Full Length (19min) | EP 1 Transcript
Download Ep 1 Conversation Guide

An Agenda For Change: Born Gay?

EPISODE 2: An Agenda For Change: Born Gay?

Are LGBT people "born this way"? Is change possible? Why do some desire to change? What could change look like? How would you advise a loved one?Trailer (1min) | Abridged (8min) |
Full Length (20min) | EP 2 Transcript
Download Ep 2 Conversation Guide

Political Conspiracies 1: Demedicalisation

EPISODE 3: Political Conspiracies 1: Demedicalisation

The Demedicalisation of Homosexuality & Transgenderism as Mental Disorders: Should medical healthcare be based on science or politics?Trailer (1min) | Abridged (8min)
Full Length (19min) | EP 3 Transcript
Download Ep 3 Conversation Guide

Political Conspiracies 2: Science or Ideology?

EPISODE 4: Political Conspiracies 2: Science or Ideology?

Are research, studies, or claims made by LGBT activists driven by “Science” (facts & reality) or “Ideology” (ideas & beliefs)? Should public policies be based on science or ideology?Trailer (1min) | Abridged (8min)
Full Length (20min) | EP 4 Transcript
Download Ep 4 Conversation Guide

Political Conspiracies 3: Conversion Therapy

EPISODE 5: Political Conspiracies 3: Conversion Therapy

Is "conversion therapy" harmful? Should "conversion therapy" be banned? Should people have the right to freedom of therapeutic choice?Trailer (1min) | Abridged (5min)
Full Length (18min) | EP 5 Transcript
Download Ep 5 Conversation Guide

Political Conspiracies 4: Affirmative Treatment

EPISODE 6: Political Conspiracies 4: Affirmative Treatment

Should "Affirmative Treatment" be the default or only available treatment for Gender Dysphoria patients? How would you advise a loved one with Gender Dysphoria?Trailer (1min) | Abridged (7min)
Full Length (19min) | EP 6 Transcript
Download Ep 6 Conversation Guide

An Agenda For Change: Healthy?

EPISODE 7: An Agenda For Change: Healthy?

Is homosexuality just as healthy and natural as heterosexuality? Why do LGBT people face higher physical health risks than heterosexuals?Trailer (1min) | Abridged (6min)
Full Length (15min) | EP 7 Transcript
Download Ep 7 Conversation Guide

An Agenda For Change: Happy?

EPISODE 8: An Agenda For Change: Happy?

Why do LGBT people experience higher mental health risks and suicide rates? Is “societal discrimination” the sole reason for LGBT unhappiness?Trailer (1min) | Abridged (6min)
Full Length (16min) | EP 8 Transcript
Download Ep 8 Conversation Guide

An Agenda For Change: Same Love?

EPISODE 9: An Agenda For Change: Same Love?

"LOVE IS LOVE". SAME LOVE: Is this true? Are the sex and love lives of gays and straights really similar or conventional?Trailer (1min) | Abridged (5min)
Full Length (13min) | EP 9 Transcript
Download Ep 9 Conversation Guide

Gay Lifestyle

EPISODE 10: Gay Lifestyle

What is the "Gay Lifestyle"? Ever thought of why the term "Gay Lifestyle" is considered offensive today?Trailer (1min) |Abridged (6min)
Full Length (14min) | EP 10 Transcript
Download Ep 10 Conversation Guide

8 Strategic Principles

EPISODE 11: 8 Strategic Principles

What are the methods of LGBT Activism? This episode reviews 8 strategic principles devised by activists to change society's feelings towards LGBT matters.Trailer (1min) | Abridged (6min)
Full Length (20min) | EP 11 Transcript
Download Ep 11 Conversation Guide

S377A, Slippery Slope, & The Road Ahead

EPISODE 12: S377A, Slippery Slope & The Road Ahead

Should Singapore RETAIN or REPEAL S377A?We address this contentious issue in 3 parts: "S377A" - Is this a good or bad law for Singapore? "THE SLIPPERY SLOPE" - What are the potential "ripple-effects" of repealing S377A? "THE ROAD AHEAD" - What is the "best way forward" for Singapore?Trailer (1min)
Abridged Videos:
Section 377A (6min) | The Slippery Slope (8min) | The Road Ahead (10min)
Full Version: You're encouraged to take a break after each part.
Full Length (~70min) | EP 12 Transcript
Download Ep 12 Conversation Guide

LGBT Activism in Singapore: What Is Your Position

In a digital age where cultural narratives unfold at the speed of a swipe, people rarely take time to process "popular narratives" found in the social media world, which tends to champion "one-dimensional popular narratives".Ever Thought Of That seeks to be a voice that represents narratives often unheard of or misrepresented in society as we take time to dig deep and unpack controversial, high-stakes issues, like the LGBT Movement.We invite you to question these "popular narratives", and maybe even re-evaluate some of your positions. We hope you will take time to watch the videos, to think through the issues and have open and honest conversations about these deep cultural issues and how they could impact our society and our future generations.

Latest Updates on Current Affairs

One-Minute Video Clips
(Extracted from THE GAY AGENDA)
** This series is NOT intended to be a critique of LGBT persons but a review of the nature of LGBT activism.





Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Who is behind ETOT?ETOT is not affiliated to any organisation, and is an independent project. Individuals who care deeply about LGBT individuals and Singapore are behind this initiative.

Q: What is the purpose of this docuseries?ETOT seeks to present viewers an opportunity to question popular narratives about LGBT activism globally and locally. This docuseries examines the strategies and methods of LGBT activism. It is designed for viewers to think deeper and consider the impact of LGBT activism on individuals, the LGBT community and Singapore’s society.This series is NOT meant to be a criticism of the LGBT community or individuals. Please DO NOT use this docuseries to assume the worst of every LGBT person. Please DO consider how you can do your part to lovingly help LGBT people avoid the pitfalls, risks and harms mentioned in the series.

Q: How is this docuseries unique?ETOT presents information from various sources such as published books, news articles, websites, academic journals, and relevant video clips concerning LGBT matters. It also examines a blueprint for LGBT activism proposed in a 1990s bestseller “After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's” by Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen. Viewers may find themselves surprised by the parallels of today’s LGBT activism with the strategies outlined in this book.This docuseries is accompanied by a discussion guide for viewers to not only watch the videos, but also engage in meaningful discussion of the videos’ content. These are designed to help individuals reflect on the impact of LGBT activism and do one’s part to love LGBT people better.

Q: Why title it “The Gay Agenda”?The “Gay Agenda” has often been written off as a myth and nothing more than a moral panic. However, this docuseries examines content from the book “After the Ball” where the authors were unashamed to speak of “An Agenda For Change”/ “The Waging Peace Agenda For Change Among Straights”.The mention of a ‘Gay Agenda’ is not done so in a disparaging manner. ETOT has simply presented the strategies and methods of LGBT activism towards a change that activists perceive to be beneficial. Any form of activism must have a goal, and thus an agenda. Again, ETOT encourages viewers to reflect on the impact of LGBT activism and do one’s part to love LGBT people better.

Q: Is the information credible?ETOT presents information from various sources such as published books, news articles, websites, academic journals, and relevant video clips concerning LGBT matters.‘LGBT’, as a topic, is hotly debated with opposing camps considering the other side’s information to be non-credible. Yet there is value on both ‘camps’ if people would take time to consider them as impartially as possible. ETOT encourages viewers to verify for themselves the sources of information mentioned within the docuseries.All links to the original sources are listed in the "description" of the full video version hosted on YouTube.

Q: Is ETOT stereotyping LGBT people?ETOT draws on information from various sources and includes information from both ‘camps’ on this matter. Many of the experiences and pitfalls mentioned in the videos are in the words of LGBT persons or activists themselves, who were sharing aspect(s) of their community’s experiences. Instead of stereotyping anyone, ETOT seeks to draw attention to the strategies and methods of LGBT activism and examines its impacts on individuals, the LGBT community and Singapore society.ETOT is against any form of discrimination and bullying against LGBT people. Our hope is to raise awareness and to encourage viewers to better love and help those in the LGBT community.

Q: How do I use this docuseries?This docuseries is completely free and hosted on popular video-sharing platforms. Anyone can access them anytime and anywhere. To maximise this docuseries, we encourage you to watch it together with a group of friends/peers/family and use the episode-specific conversation guides to engage with the content in a deeper manner.